
So many shapes, so many hues

When planting flax, one key to success is choosing a variety that’s the right size, with stable coloration. Good nurseries can order any type of flax that’s not in stock. Some recommendations:Dwarf

‘Duet’: Rarely grows higher than 3 1/2 feet. Green with yellow margins. Stable color.

‘Jack Spratt’: Grows upright, about 1 1/2 feet tall. Thin leaves are reddish-brown and twisting. Stable.

‘Pink Panther’: Similar in height but with drooping outer leaves. Deep ruby midstripe with bronze margin.

‘Rainbow Sunrise’: Sometimes called ‘Maori Sunrise.’ Pink midstripe and dark green margins.

‘Surfer Green’: Clumping, upright form. Green leaves, bronze margins.

‘Tom Thumb’: Upright. Narrow green leaves with reddish-brown edges. Stable.

Medium height

‘Apricot Queen’: Three feet tall and upright, with older foliages that arch. Leaves are 1 1/2 inches wide, pale yellow tinged with an apricot coloring and edged in green.

‘Dark Delight’: Reddish-brown foliage makes this the darkest hybrid readily available in the U.S. Stable.

‘Dazzler’: The reddest of the bunch: deep maroon with scarlet stripes; 3 feet. Slightly arching. Stable.

‘Evening Glow’: Usually 2 to 3 feet tall, with weeping older leaves and upright newer foliage. Striking pinkish red.


‘Platts Black’: Beautiful, inky maroon leaves with a dark gray underside.

‘Sea Jade’: An upright grower that can reach 5 feet tall and 6 feet wide. Green leaves that have a dark midstripe. Stable. Also called ‘Co-ordination.’ Stable.

‘Shiraz’: Wine-colored leaves. Grows to 3 feet.

‘Terracotta’: A weeping form in shades of yellow, pink, orange and light green.

‘Yellow Wave’: Usually at least 3 feet tall. Leaves have a bright yellow central band and bright green edges.


‘Dusky Chief’: Can grow 6 feet tall and wide. Maroon-red leaves are striking and very stable, making it quite popular.


‘Pink Stripe’: Grows upright. Newer leaves have bright pink margins. Another big seller. Stable.

‘Sundowner’: Can grow 6 feet tall, with upright foliage that manages to spread even wider. Greenish bronze and reddish-pink margins.

‘Sunset’: Elegant long leaves arch at the middle. Its apricot to pink tones blend with green.

‘Tricolor’: A wide-growing plant with 2-inch-wide green leaves with yellow stripes and a red margin.

‘Wildwood’: Graceful dark purple leaves arch at the tips. Usually 4 to 6 feet tall. Sometimes sold as ‘Purpureum.’

-- Janet Kinosian
