Have you rebounded? Track the recovery of home prices in Southern California
While housing has rebounded in much of coastal Southern California, home prices farther inland have yet to regain their bubble-era highs, especially in remote exurbs like Victorville. Economists say the disparity is simply a function of supply and demand. With fewer jobs inland, there are fewer people who want to live there. The dynamic was a major reason prices inland tended to fall further during the downturn. It also explains why some parts of the Los Angeles area that were hit as hard as the exurbs have seen values recover. Read more »

Southern California
The median home price for the region including Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura and San Diego counties more than doubled from what it was when it hit bottom in 2009. But inland stretches of Southern California fell further, and many have longer roads to recovery.
Los Angeles
At their bubble-era peak in 2007, the median price for a previously owned single-family home was $591,000. By the end of the bust in 2009, that fell to $299,000, a 49% drop. Today, the median is $635,000. Much of the growth has occurred on the Westside, while areas on the periphery have lagged.
Home prices here sit at the top of all Southern California counties. At the peak, the median reached $715,000 in 2007. By the end of the bust in 2009, it had fallen to $425,000, a 40.5% drop. Today, the median home price for ZIP codes is $790,000.
The median was as high as $410,000 in 2007. By the end of the bust, prices fell to $172,000. This amounted to a 58% drop. Today, the price sits at $380,000, the second lowest in the region.
San Bernardino
Home prices here are the lowest of all Southern California counties. At their peak, the median reached $365,000 in 2007. By the end of the bust, it had fallen to $135,000, a 63% drop, the steepest in the region. Today, the median is $312,000.
Sources: Data provided by CoreLogic
Credits: Additional reporting by Andrew Khouri. Animation by Swetha Kannan.