
Jaden Smith or Galileo — who’d you rather? Because they’re practically twinsies

Jaden Smith and his sister Willow "are scientists," he tells GQ, "so everything for us is a scientific test upon humanity."

Jaden Smith and his sister Willow “are scientists,” he tells GQ, “so everything for us is a scientific test upon humanity.”

(Jamie McCarthy / Getty Images)

Few things brighten up a day like Jaden Smith speaking his mind.

See, the world is Jaden Smith’s science experiment and we’re just living in it. He expects us to shine the whack-job spotlight on him. And we can’t bear to let him down.

“People think you’re crazy,” the 17-year-old son of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith tells GQ magazine. “I feel like it’s an honor, actually, for people to think I’m crazy. Because they thought Galileo was crazy, too, you know what I’m saying?

“I don’t think I’m as revolutionary as Galileo, but I don’t think I’m not as revolutionary as Galileo.”

Galileo Galilei would be the guy who made world-changing scientific discoveries during the Renaissance and eventually had to face the Inquisition. Jaden Smith is the one who was raised by celebrity parents in Calabasas and periodically has to face journalists.

In case you were fuzzy about that.

Young Jaden is very big on learning, though, and after home schooling he says he intends to go to college, or maybe colleges -- so perhaps we can expect great things.


“I’ll go to open schools, eventually, when I’m like 25 or something. Multiple schools. At the same time, around the world. So, like, two in the United States, two in Europe, two in China, India, Russia, Africa, all at the same time,” says Smith, blissfully unaffected by how the world actually works.

All that after -- or maybe before? -- he sets up offices at MIT “just so I can learn and bring in new technologies into the world.” Sitting in on college lectures is on his to-do list as well as his done-that list, and he wants to help people: “I just want to teach people how to be comfortable. Stop being so scared.”

We’re terrified at the mere thought. Perhaps we should book some time with him while we still can, because eight years from now, he’ll be busy attending all those colleges. And 10 years from now, by his own declaration, he’ll be “gone.”


So there’s going to be a very small window during which to apply for enlightenment assistance.

“No one will know where I am in 10 years,” Jaden explains. “They’ll see me pop up, but they’ll be like, ‘Where’d you come from?’ No one will know. No one will know where I’m at. No one will know who I’m with. No one will know what I’m doing.

“I’ve been planning that,” he says, “since I was like 13.”

Think we’re being too hard on Jaden? No worries. His dad told Esquire in February that his kids can take it.


“It’s a brutal world out there for young people, for everybody,” Will Smith said. “Jaden understands that that’s a part of this business. If he wants to do it, there’s a certain amount of battery that you have to be willing to live through.

“We have a quote that I put up in the house from Pema Chodron: ‘Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us.’ We call it leaning into the sharp parts. Something hurts, lean in. You just lean into that point until it loses its power over you.”

Lean into the crazy, Jaden. Lean in.

Follow Christie D’Zurilla on Twitter @theCDZ and Google+. Follow the Ministry of Gossip on Twitter @LATcelebs.
