
Where you’ve seen Andy Serkis

Andy Serkis is best known for the dogged pursuit of his “precioussss” as the performance-capture Gollum in the “Lord of the Rings” films, as well as for taking a header off the Empire State (and, in a separate guise, being eaten by a giant worm) as the giant ape in “King Kong.” Other, more recognizable appearances include “Topsy-Turvy,” “The Prestige,” “Inkheart” and a chilling turn in “Longford.” One of his favorites is the less-heralded “Extraordinary Rendition”: “It was a very, very powerful piece of drama. I played an interrogator in a third-party country, Jordan in fact, interrogating a potential terror suspect who’s been rendered. Not many people saw that — it came out around the same time as the American ‘Rendition.’ But this was a pretty cool and intelligent piece of drama.”

— Michael Ordoña
