Advertisement turns a digital photo into an e-card

It’s a website; it’s an iPhone app; it’s a talking digital photo. It’s

What’s hot: This is the ultimate personal e-card. Transforming any digital photo — whether you’ve uploaded it to a computer or taken it with your iPhone — and recording a personal message are unbelievably cool. Now you can taunt and tease your friends about all the fun they’re missing while you’re away. But don’t wait for a grand trip. You can send talking photos from anywhere, even a long, lingering lunch while your pal is stuck at his or her work desk. Even better, upload photos to your blog or pass them on using a variety of social media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Posterous and more. Yes, you can even e-mail your creation.

What’s not: It couldn’t have been easier to use on my iPhone with the free Fotobabble app found on iTunes. But my Adobe Flash settings had to be just right to use it from the website. I couldn’t click the “allow” button when it requested access to my camera and microphone. If this happens, go to the website’s FAQ and get tips for your Adobe Flash settings.
