
Airigator uses air-conditioning runoff for garden irrigation

Inventor Jim Pohlman worked in the water supply industry for four decades, drilling wells, building fountains and installing irrigation pumps. He saw water being misused continually, often running off hardscapes and into storm drains. It made him wonder: How can we reduce the waste? One source for potential savings was in plain sight: the condensation from outdoor air-conditioning units. The water vapor produced by residential and commercial air conditioners may not be potable, but it is mineral-free, making it ideal for drip irrigation. (Miniature nozzles and sprayers are susceptible to clogging from hard-water deposits.) Pohlman’s Airigator captures up to five gallons of AC runoff water a day, collected in a 65-gallon reservoir that can be sunk into the ground and then fitted to new or existing drip systems. Once the reservoir is filled, a timer sends out a gallon of water to each plant every three days. Cost of a starter kit: $495. Information:

-- Jeff Spurrier
