
U.S. takes low road by selling weapons

Re “Arms pusher to the world,” Opinion, May 21

Thanks to Frida Berrigan for exposing America’s ignominious distinction as the world’s most nefarious arms dealer.

Is it any wonder that the world is drenched in blood, that refugee camps overflow with displaced people fleeing for their lives and that peace remains the elusive dream of “peaceniks”?

The U.S. talks a good game of fostering peace while feeding the insatiable hunger of despots and fanatics. If democratic capitalism is not an oxymoron and is dependent on such dirty business, let’s at least be up front about it and stop posing as the world’s peacemaker.


When he left office in 1961, President (and former Gen.) Eisenhower warned Americans to beware of the growing power of the military-industrial complex. We continue to ignore his warning at the world’s peril.




Kudos to Berrigan for exposing this country’s role in the seamy business of supplying arms and military training to whoever has the cash. I was particularly impressed by her analogy to the drug-dealing business -- first creating the need and then filling it.

How shameful that this great country, in such a critical period, should pick the low road instead of one of the many alternatives available to us to help mankind.



