
Keep an open mind on college rankings

Re “Saying no to U.S. News,” Opinion, May 14

Patricia McGuire’s comments on the U.S. News & World Report college rankings raise two important points that deserve more attention.

First, the media in general share the blame for the lack of public appreciation of many excellent U.S. colleges. In profiling someone of achievement in business or politics, they often mention the person’s alma mater if it is an Ivy League school but almost never if it’s any other college. They should either end their Harvard, Yale, etc., fixation or give every public or private college its credit in that context.

Second, as McGuire points out, “Some of the actual best colleges in this nation do not fare well in the ... survey” and yet better meet a student’s learning style and needs.


Furthermore, many top colleges in a given major aren’t necessarily well known or regarded as first-rate institutions, yet their degrees will open doors in a specific field.

The bottom line: Have fun reading the U.S. News rankings, but keep an open mind when considering college options.


Los Angeles
