
Benchmarks: Fortysomethings

Here are key statistics on American households headed by people ages 40 to 49, based on a 2006 survey of 158,000 households, including 36,900 headed by 40- to 49-year-olds.

One-person household: 19.2%

Median income: $55,000

Income of $100,000 or more: 15.8%

Children younger than 6 in the home: 10.8%

Head of household is a college graduate: 42.8%

Head of household is unemployed: 8.6%

Own a home: 63.3%

$25,000 or more in savings: 24.6%

Median net worth: $52,150

Have a 401(k): 50.5%

Average amount in bank accounts: $29,048

Average total debt (including mortgages): $106,027

Average nonmortgage debt: $24,568

Of households with credit cards, those with more than a $10,000 balance: 17.5%

Of households with credit cards, those with no outstanding balance: 19.6%


Source: Claritas Inc.
