
National Guard deserves better

Re “State Guard alone on the tuition front,” May 14

The boneheads in our Legislature give educational support to illegal immigrants but refuse to provide some educational funding for those who protect us and put their lives on the line to preserve our freedom. Be careful who you vote for in the next state elections.


Santa Monica


Re “Guard duty,” editorial, May 15

Shame on our Legislature and bravo to The Times for jumping on this appalling disrespect to the California National Guard. My son is a first lieutenant in the California National Guard, but because he joined up in Indiana, where he was attending Indiana University, his college tuition was covered. I can’t tell you what a difference that made for him and our family.

We are asking these men and women to risk the ultimate sacrifice; how dare our state government slap them in the face in return? Eloquence is impossible with one’s jaw on the floor.



Woodland Hills
