
Bush’s knowledge before 9/11 attacks

Re “Just how crazy are the Dems?” Opinion, May 15

Jonah Goldberg’s attempt to paint Democrats as paranoid loonies because about one-third of them believe President Bush had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks fails to address the reason why 35% of those polled by Rasmussen Reports think so: Bush is simply not trusted. And why should he be? He led us into a disastrous war based on half-truths and outright lies.

No, it seems Goldberg is more interested in attacking Democrats with labels than in discovering the truth. But why should the truth concern him? It’s hardly a concern of those he represents: the right-wing whack jobs.




I read the poll; the question asked simply if the president had knowledge of the 9/11 attacks beforehand.


Anyone who knows of the daily briefing that warned of Al Qaeda hijacking airplanes could reasonably answer yes. The question did not imply that the president was “in on” the attacks.


Richmond, Va.


I have heard of but have not seen this poll indicating that many Democrats believe Bush was aware that the 9/11 attacks would happen. It is a sad commentary, but it does illustrate how many Americans think poorly of Bush.

Still, it seems shortsighted to accuse Democrats of being crazy for believing this. Doesn’t Goldberg remember when most Republicans believed that Iraq was involved in 9/11? Were those Americans considered to be crazy, or just victims of dishonesty by our government? And Goldberg wonders why many Americans distrust Bush.



Redondo Beach


With Bush’s approval rating hovering around 30%, Goldberg devotes a column to a possibly “serious” problem for the Democratic Party. What the devil is that tune he’s whistling in the dark?


Los Osos, Calif.


It is sad that Goldberg maligns many Democrats for being suspicious of Bush knowing about 9/11 beforehand. Many people, including respected academics, believe that President Franklin D. Roosevelt had prior knowledge about the Pearl Harbor attack but needed a reason to get into World War II. Many who believe this still have respect and admiration for him as a president.

If history has taught us anything, it is that people need to be suspicious of the reasons why governments start wars.



Forty Fort, Pa.
