
Who’s watching out for students?

Re “Locke High seeks to leave district,” May 10

How many years has Locke High School been a failing school? How many years have the Los Angeles Unified School District and United Teachers Los Angeles had to initiate reforms? The news isn’t that teachers and the principal took action to address students’ needs but that the district and union abdicated responsibility years ago. A hopeful sign for California education will be when the interest of students overrides the self-interest of others.


Shell Beach, Calif.


Re “Locke, out,” editorial, May 11, and “Learning discipline,” editorial, May 7

In a May 7 editorial, you wrote that part of Green Dot schools’ success is that gang members are not allowed under any circumstances because of the disruptive influence. In a May 11 editorial, you applaud the teachers at Locke High School because of their desire to become a charter school, presumably run by Green Dot.

Will Green Dot not allow the entire school population to participate in this new charter? Will it foist the gang members on neighboring schools, thus affecting their discipline and stability? When you get to pick and choose your students, which is not an option for traditional public schools, of course you are going to be more successful.



Los Angeles
