
Why some folks don’t like Wal-Mart

Re “Retail politics,” editorial, Aug. 23

The editorial criticizing Democrats for asking Wal-Mart to become a responsible corporation completely misses the point.

Republicans, Democrats and Independents are speaking out about the Wal-Mart issue because no American, whether you shop at Wal-Mart or not, believes that a company with $11 billion in profits should pay poverty-level wages, fail to provide company healthcare to more than half of its employees, break child labor laws and cost taxpayers more than $1.2 billion a year because so many Wal-Mart workers are forced onto public healthcare.

Our campaign isn’t about attacking Wal-Mart; it’s about fighting for corporate responsibility, affordable healthcare and good-paying jobs. Unfortunately, too often big, powerful corporations like Wal-Mart make excuses about why they can’t be responsible, instead of doing the right thing for the United States.



Campaign Director

