
Results of Iraq war spur dissatisfaction

Re “Islamic Slant in Charter Decried,” Aug. 25

There should be rejoicing in the White House over Iraq’s draft constitution. Now both our nations are moving closer to a theocracy. Of course, the “Intelligent Designer” may go by a different name, but hey -- as long as our respective countries are guided by the Koran and the Bible, how can we go wrong? After all, history teaches us that religious governments have never been the cause of war, oppression or injustice. Or not.


Los Angeles


For months, grieving mother Cindy Sheehan has been asking why her son had to die in Iraq. Now we know: It was to establish an Islamic republic. President Bush and his disciples in Washington should be happy that his faith-based initiatives are finally taking hold.


La Verne


Re “A united Iraq -- what’s the point?” Opinion, Aug. 25

John “Torture Memo” Yoo picks a fine time to realize that the old antique store warning, “You break it, you buy it,” applies to world powers.


The only problem with Yoo’s idea is that it quite likely will come to pass whatever we do. What will Iraq look like when Yoo’s dream becomes reality?

The Sunnis would go to war rather than find themselves relegated to a “nation” of sand and rocks and no oil.

The Turks would go to war before they allow an independent Kurdish state on their border.

The Shiites would welcome a chance to form an Islamic republic closely aligned with Iran. Great job, Mr. President.



Long Beach
