
A dust speck and you’re sunk

A fly in the varnish. That’s all it might take to deny victory to one of 125 rare wooden boats in a competition this weekend at the 33rd annual Wooden Boat Show at Carnelian Bay in North Lake Tahoe. Classics from the 1950s with Cadillac-style fins made by companies such as Chris Craft, Ventnor, Switzer Craft and Arena Craft will be scrutinized by more than 50 judges during the two-day contest. “The whole idea is for the boat to be as new as the day that it hit the showroom,” says Paul Mehus, who’s been a judge for 15 years. “It’s a very specific, nitty-gritty level of judging.” Boats lose points for sanding marks that go against the wood’s grain or for bungs, the tiny round pieces of wood used to plug screw holes, that don’t match the species and color of the respective plank. Judges also examine the varnish for dust, sags or runs and scrutinize the exterior, upholstery, dashboard gauges, even the wiring under the dash and the manufacturer tags on the starter, generator and distributor. The winnings? A trophy and bragging rights. The show runs Friday and Saturday; admission is $20 for a one-day ticket, $25 for both days. Call (530) 581-4700 or go to

-- Scott Doggett
