
Weldon Supports Help for Russia on Weapons

I take great pride in my support for fully funding the U.S.-Russia Cooperative Threat Reduction program throughout my tenure in Congress. I was shocked by your accusation (editorial, Dec. 3) that I have impeded this program’s funding. Some of my colleagues want to cancel this program, a position I have always opposed. They cite a recent Pentagon report regarding expenditures for a facility in Russia converting rocket fuel from nuclear missiles into consumer products. According to the report, Russia used the fuel for its space program, leaving the U.S. with a $100-million bill and an empty conversion facility.

You claim that I “foolishly crippled” a chemical-weapon-destruction project in Russia. To the contrary, I supported expansion of the CTR program to include chemical weapons like those to be destroyed at the plant and fought for more than $250 million in funding. Apparently, because I supported conditions on these funds, I must be an obstructionist intent on undermining the program. In fact, I negotiated the conditions with opponents of the project. Had I adhered to the all-or-nothing approach advocated in your editorial, this program might have died. I did what I have always done as the Russians’ best friend and toughest critic and held them accountable for their actions while providing the vital support they desperately need.

Rep. Curt Weldon

