
Penance Is Good, but What Happens Next?

Re “Priests in O.C. Plan a Day of Penance,” Nov. 30:

As a Catholic, I welcome the news that Fathers John McAndrew and Bill Barman organized a day of penance for the clergy’s role in sexual abuse. But once this day ends, what happens next? Will priests and laity demand greater accountability and transparency from the hierarchy, or will this be another show of “solidarity” with no meaningful consequences?

I know Father McAndrew. He is active in Catholic Worker, in anti-military demonstrations and in trying to focus society toward a “preferential option for the poor.” Well, the poor in our church now include those whose innocence and faith have been devastated -- in some cases, permanently -- by people they trusted. When these priests and those who think like them are as willing to put themselves on the line in changing the ecclesiastical structures that prevent accountability and transparency as they are when it comes to changing American society, then they deserve a respectful hearing. But not before.

Joseph D’Hippolito

