
Forget the Speculation -- Spitzer Served Well

Re “Spitzer Quits O.C. Board Early,” Nov. 20:

Todd Spitzer served us well during his time as Orange County supervisor and will be sorely missed. This county is much better off for the fresh approach he brought to local government.

I hope the sense of citizen empowerment that he helped create, culminating in the passage of Measure V that provides for elected replacements for supervisors, will affect the actions of the new board that takes over in late January.

His decision to move on and prepare to tackle his new job was a fitting final act as supervisor.


It is a pity that the media focused so much on speculation about why he stepped aside early and so little on the actions of Cynthia and Tom Coad. Tom Coad seemed to be concerned primarily with his own interests. Todd Spitzer was doing what is best for the people who really live in the 3rd District.

We are proud to have had a supervisor with Spitzer’s intellect, dedication to the work of the people, and determination to do the right thing. Let’s wish him good luck in higher office.

Leonard Kranser

Dana Point
