
Daytime events draw big numbers

The most-watched show on television last week wasn’t “Everybody Loves Raymond,” the CBS sitcom that appeared atop the Nielsen Media Research list on Wednesday. That was only the most-watched show in prime time, with 20.5 million viewers.

Figures released Friday showed that two daytime programs on Thanksgiving did better: Fox’s telecast of the Washington Redskins-Dallas Cowboys football game (with 24.2 million) and NBC’s coverage of Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (with 22 million).

Meantime, also unveiled Friday were the final late-night standings for the November sweeps period. They showed little change from the corresponding four-week period a year ago. Jay Leno’s “Tonight Show” on NBC averaged 5.9 million viewers a night, equaling its 2002 showing, while David Letterman’s “Late Show” on CBS fell slightly, to 4.3 million.
