
The Tangible Legacy of Mark Ridley-Thomas

Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas will be sorely missed (“Ridley-Thomas’ Elegant Exit,” Nov. 27). Few politicians take office with such a well-defined vision and set out from day one to systematically implement it. Ridley-Thomas brought economic development to a district that had been largely abandoned by public and private investment, doggedly pursuing projects that were mired in controversy and given little hope of success. Today people can live in or shop in the developments that resulted.

The broad array of issues he tackled during his tenure on the City Council is remarkable: Banking, technology, public safety and housing are just examples. Moreover, he stands up for the things he believes in, such as civil rights and economic and social justice, even if doing so doesn’t win him any popularity contests.

He has left a tangible legacy in the 8th District. Candidates vying to replace him will have to demonstrate their ability to keep the momentum going and build upon the work Ridley-Thomas began. He will be a tough act to follow.


Mary M. Lee

Los Angeles
