
Help Solve Mexico’s Problems in Mexico

Re “Mexico, U.S. Agree to Be Patient in Talks,” Nov. 27: The cornerstone of Mexico’s economic programs seems to be coercing the U.S. to act as a sponge for millions of uneducated and unskilled Mexicans by encouraging them to enter the U.S. illegally -- so as to relieve internal social pressures. Mexico has made it a foundation of its economic programs to pressure the U.S. to offer massive social services to Mexican nationals living here, including illegal aliens. This includes the issuance of driver’s licenses to illegals, the wider provision of medical, welfare, education and employment services, as well as granting in-state college tuition rates. Not content with the foregoing, President Vicente Fox demands amnesty for all Mexican illegals, increased numbers of legal immigration visas and massive guest worker programs to solve nonexistent labor shortages.

It’s definitely in American interests to assist Mexico in solving its migration problems -- but not on American soil. This must happen in Mexico. A first step in this regard is for the U.S. to seal its borders. This would force Mexico to face tough decisions and stop exporting its problems into our backyard.

After World War II, the U.S. poured billions of dollars into the shattered countries of Europe, with phenomenal success. We should do something similar with Mexico, but on Mexican soil, not ours. The Marshall Plan succeeded because it provided the economic impetus for Europeans to rebuild their countries in Europe -- and not move to the U.S. looking to become guest workers and U.S. citizens.


Michael Scott

