
The Country Is Facing Severe Threats to Justice

The Supreme Court will be hearing a case dealing with our Miranda rights (Nov. 24). Since I worked for a police department, I would be considered a law-and-order person. Certainly I appreciate the difficulties of our law enforcement officers. But a police state? How can a U.S. citizen be held for six months without charge? Where were the liberals in Congress when homeland security was established? Shades of Nazi Germany! We lost more than the twin towers on Sept. 11. In a few years, maybe this letter could not be published. As a lifelong, active Republican, I am afraid for my country.

Cathy Anderson



If you are rich and the CEO of a large corporation, you can appear before Congress under comfortable conditions with your attorney at your side and refuse to say anything. If you are poor and a minority, you can be aggressively questioned even if you are in pain and being treated in the emergency room of a hospital with no one at your side. Equal justice under what?

Martin Lassar

