
A War Without End Means Liberty for None

Re “New Anti-Terrorism Legislation Fosters a Sense of Insecurity,” Nov. 26: Patt Morrison is right on the money but overlooks one key factor. Americans have willingly yielded some civil liberties in times of war and recovered those liberties at war’s end. But this war against terror is a war without end. How will we determine victory? When will the threat be over? The clear answer is that the threat will be perpetual and, thus, the government will never be motivated to restore our freedoms.

Throughout our history Americans have sacrificed their lives to preserve freedom. Now the Bush administration has persuaded us to give up our liberties in the face of 3,000 American deaths. It is an insult to Americans to deny us the opportunity to make the same sacrifice our forefathers gladly made.

Morris E. Schorr

Woodland Hills
