
Doctor’s Patients Salute His Dedication

Re “Seeing Needless Deaths Abroad, M.D. Turns Privilege Into Leverage,” Nov. 25:

I was fortunate to have been a patient of Dr. Robert Greenburg. He was what everyone wants his or her physician to be -- extremely knowledgeable, warm and dedicated. His sense of humor was a bonus. His patients were always more important than insurance and HMO forms, and, I suspect, golf.

It didn’t surprise me (though it did sadden me) when I received the letter saying he was closing his practice to follow his heart.

Your story was well-written and highlighted Dr. Greenburg’s compassion.

Mary Siegfreid Sklar

Huntington Beach


Thank you for the inspiring and uplifting article on Dr. Robert Greenburg and the charity named Medicine for Humanity. I was one of Dr. Greenburg’s patients for many years and was sorry (for myself) when he gave up his practice, but I soon realized his talents would be used in a much more important way.


After my hysterectomy, he called me the miracle woman because of my fast and almost painless recovery, but I have always maintained that his careful and meticulous surgical skill was the critical factor. Blessings on this dedicated man and the many others who help in this charitable work.

Lois Vackar

Huntington Beach
