
Clash Over Trash

* Re “Trouble in the Neighborhood,” by Al Martinez, Oct. 22: It is fashionable to blame racial prejudice for many acrimonious or violent actions. Sometimes this is the case, sometimes it is not.

This conflict appears to have originated from clashingly different levels of maintenance of the two properties located in the same block of a well-kept neighborhood. Martinez reports that one property was under-maintained and its inhabitants fined by the city for gathering bottles, papers and other trash in excessive amounts. The well-groomed house was harmed by this condition. If put on the market (the elderly owners might want to sell and retire), it could linger for a long time without attracting a buyer and finally bring a substantially lower price.

As a Realtor, I have come across several similar situations causing frustration, anger and financial loss to the sellers. Race, creed or religion was originally not at stake, although one of them may have become a factor in the end.



Los Angeles
