
SOAR in Fillmore

* Schools, parks, jobs, balanced housing, fiscal responsibility, greenbelt protection and a vision for the future. These are the things the Fillmore community has said are desirable to maintain and improve the quality of life. Measure K would provide the opportunity to achieve these things. Measure J would not.

Measure J proponents acknowledge that their initiative does not plan for the future and would not stop population growth. All it would do is draw a restrictive boundary around the city. Hence, overcrowding would be encouraged. No other community in Ventura County has imposed such a restrictive boundary. They recognize the value in allowing for quality-of-life needs.

Measure K does plan for the future by establishing a 20-year planning boundary based upon the city’s general plan, water master plan, sewer master plan, storm drain master plan, 20-year capital improvement plan, housing element and Vision 2020 plan.


So why is planning important?

The Fillmore City Council has worked very hard over the past 5 to 10 years to plan and manage growth and to ensure that the Fillmore of tomorrow will maintain its relaxed atmosphere, its rich traditions and overall quality of life.

Both Measure K and Measure J would impose urban growth boundaries and require voter approval of development proposals for land outside those boundaries. The difference? Measure K plans for the future and will permit Fillmore to remain “the last, best small town in Southern California.”


Fillmore city manager
