
No on Prop. 33

* Re “A Vote for Fair Retirement,” editorial, Oct. 8: I really have to take issue with your argument for a yes vote on Prop. 33, which would allow members of the state Legislature to participate in the state retirement system at a cost to taxpayers of more than $500,000 per year plus administration costs. Most of these people are well-to-do professionals who opt to take six to eight years to participate in the legislative process.

What’s more, when they are termed out, many of them either run for a different office, accept an appointment to some other government agency (whereupon they do become eligible for the state retirement plan) or they write books, go on the rubber-chicken circuit or consult for hefty fees. Most of these people are entrepreneurs or professionals who do not need government assistance with their retirement. Prop. 33 is a sneaky rip-off of the people of California.


