
Country Needs Energy Policy

* Depleting our oil reserves is nothing more than taking an aspirin when antibiotics are required. What we need in this country is a cohesive energy policy at the federal, state and local levels. A good start at the federal level would be to offer real tax incentives for developing viable alternative fuel sources and for the auto manufacturers to raise their CAFE (corporate average fuel economy) levels.

At the state level, the Department of Motor Vehicles could adjust vehicle registration fees for better-fuel-economy vehicles. At the local level, educational materials and programs on achieving less fuel consumption could be disseminated through the media. This multiphase approach could be a good start on helping us lessen our dependency on fuel oil.




* Am I the only one who remembers that the Carter administration set up an entire department to deal with energy policy--and develop renewable fuel sources, in particular--and that this department was gutted by the Reagan/Bush administrations? Now George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are accusing the Democrats of not having an energy policy. Ah, politics at its best! No wonder most of America is cynical about this presidential election. Perhaps if Ralph Nader had been allowed in the debates we might have had a chance to hear some real issues debated.



Los Angeles
