

How much does it cost to run for City Council? In Irvine, that answer could range from not a penny to the price tag on a mid-range luxury car, depending on whom you ask.

The 12 candidates running for council this year have spent from zero to $30,934 so far. Councilman Larry Agran has been the top spender, with challengers Christopher Gonzales and Savvas Roditis spending nothing, according to candidate statements filed last week at City Hall.

To date, candidates Roger Matlin, Patrick Rodgers and Alan Mannason have spent less than $5,000 on their campaigns; Beth Krom, Anthony Dragun and Councilman Dave Christensen have spent between $5,000 and $10,000; Councilman Mike Ward and challenger Ken Hansen have doled out between $15,000 and $20,000; and Christopher Mears and Agran are neck-and-neck in spending at $29,400 and $30,934, respectively, according to campaign statements submitted Thursday. Election day is Nov. 7.
