
They Dislike the Overcrowding ‘Crunch’

James Ricci hits the nail on the head in an excellent, insightful article (“Tuning In to the Cacophony of California’s Population Crunch,” Sept. 10). California is headed for environmental disaster under today’s immigration policy. More overcrowded schools and hospitals, and more gridlocked traffic headed for sprawling suburbs, are a lousy legacy for future generations. It will take guts, but someone has to come up with a plan to reduce our nation’s immigration--one that does not doom future generations. California traditionally has led the nation in policy issues. If what we see today is a blueprint for the nation’s future, it is a bleak picture of tomorrow.

Byron Slater

San Diego


Ricci tells a dismal truth about the future of our state, and especially of Southern California. Unfortunately, it is politically incorrect to suggest that illegal immigration not be tolerated and legal immigration be limited to those skilled, educated, self-sustaining workers whom our new economy desperately needs. The unbridled influx of impoverished, uneducated, unskilled masses only hastens the demise of all Californians’ quality of life. Vote-hungry politicians will do nothing about this until it is too late.

Gary Rudnick

Palm Desert


This is the elephant in the living room that everybody wants to ignore. I’m sure Ricci (and the folks at CAPS and Zero Population Growth) will be vilified by those organizations and individuals who feel that it is human destiny to cram every last inch of the state with subdivisions, strip malls and people--and that limiting human fertility is immoral.


It’s ironic that the childless are either considered selfish or pitied. They should be celebrated! Furthermore, they should be encouraged where it counts--with tax cuts. The formula is simple: A smaller population enjoys a higher standard of living.

Kirsten Schneider

Huntington Beach
