
Wall at Hueneme Beach Park

* Re “Barrier Grief: Residents Complain Wall Hinders Ocean View,” Sept. 28.

I am a homeowner in the Surfside I condominium complex. We were informed of the beach improvements, including the 3-foot sand wall, by Toni Young, then mayor of Port Hueneme, a year ago at our annual homeowners meeting. I don’t remember any protest then.

Further, all property owners affected by the beach improvements were informed by mail about the City Council meeting six months ago, during which the beach improvements and sand wall were discussed and voted on. I was at the meeting. There were no protests then. It was passed without objection.

Now that the city of Port Hueneme has spent tens of thousands of dollars to build the sand wall, people are protesting as if they just found out about it. Others are inciting them with exaggerations and misinformation.


They say the sand wall is destroying the natural look of the beach. Well, if we let nature take its course, without dredging in new sand every two years and the sand wall to prevent the sand from being blown off the beach, Surfside Drive and the residential complexes along this part of the beach would eventually be washed away.

Let the city finish the beach improvements, which also include an 8-foot-wide walkway, lighting, benches and landscaping. Let’s see how the beach will look after more sand is dredged in next month.

I think the beach improvements will enhance the look of our beach area and make it more enjoyable and usable for everybody.



Port Hueneme
