
Santa Clarita Valley Mining

* Re “Proposed Sand and Gravel Pit Faces Rocky Road,” Sept. 19.

I [have been] a resident of the Santa Clarita Valley for the last 12 years. I have two daughters who attend schools in Canyon Country. I am very concerned regarding the massive mining project proposed in our beautiful valley. I know a city must grow to survive, and if the builders do their fair share in planning for the betterment of our community, I don’t have a problem with growth. My problem with this project is that it does nothing for the residents of this community.

This project is too close to residents, schools, the Santa Clara River. It could damage ground water and the delicate balance of the environment. My understanding is that there are better places for this project with less impact to people’s lives. Who knows what kind of health issues will arise as a result of the blasts that release dust and debris into the air. Our children’s schools are in the vicinity of all that dust and pollution that will inevitably be carried by the wind right into their respiratory systems and eyes.

In addition, what about our property value? Who will want to buy a house in Canyon Country with an enormous mining plant just a few miles away? Will the mining company be willing to recoup our losses?


Canyon Country already is snubbed by other cities in this valley as being the “bad” side of town. This will only make this area even less desirable. If this project is not stopped, many of us residents and businesses will be forced to move.


Canyon Country
