
Politics and Rocketdyne

* Re “Valley Perspective Interviews: 41st Assembly District,” Oct. 1.

As a Rocketdyne employee and voter in the 41st Assembly District, I was disappointed to see [Jayne Murphy] Shapiro repeat the tired old myths, perpetuated by activists and politicians with agendas.

Numerous federal and state regulatory agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Health Services, Department of Toxic Substances Control and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, have reviewed the evidence, much of which is based on their own studies and monitoring. They have concluded that there is no indication of any environmental contamination from Rocketdyne’s operations that could adversely impact the community, and three studies performed by the state do not indicate any increased cancer rates in the communities surrounding Rocketdyne’s Santa Susana Field Laboratory.

These studies are public record and readily accessible to budding politicians like Shapiro.


Shapiro further makes a thinly disguised allegation that Rocketdyne may have caused the death of her husband. Perhaps Shapiro is not aware of the various claims against Rocketdyne that have failed because of lack of evidence.

Finally, Shapiro seems to be preoccupied with wind-blown “spores”’--originating from Rocketdyne. The last time I looked, my 8-year-old son’s dictionary defined spores as microscopic living organisms originating from nonflowering plants, such as fungi, algae, moss and ferns. I guess Rocketdyne should now add plant spores to its deadly mix of toxic chemicals and radioactivity.

This is one Republican who will not be voting his party for the 41st District.


West Hills

Editor’s note: Rutherford is manager of radiation safety for Rocketdyne.
