
Council to Consider Hiring Auditor

The City Council next week will consider whether to hire an independent auditor to review financial reports filed by candidates, for local office, two weeks after the panel agreed to hire a special prosecutor to investigate complaints.

The discussion comes amid a hotly contested election in which money is emerging as a major issue. Seven candidates are competing for two spots on the council, and one candidate--attorney Ed Masry--has already spent $60,000.

Councilwoman Linda Parks, who is running for reelection, urged the hiring of an auditor after the 1998 election, during which she believes violations of the city’s campaign laws occurred.


But Councilman Mike Markey, who is also defending his seat, instead proposed hiring the outside attorney, who has full authority to investigate and prosecute improprieties. The attorney, however, only investigates in response to complaints, while the auditor would study all filings.

Parks abstained on that vote, which passed 4 to 0.

City Clerk Nancy Dillon and City Atty. Mark Sellers are asking council members for direction regarding the auditor’s scope of work.

If hired, the auditor, who could cost $10,000 to $100,000, would be in addition to the outside attorney. That attorney, Sellers said, is David Scheper of the Los Angeles firm Winston & Strawn. Sellers said that as of Friday, no complaints had been filed.
