
4-H Teaches Cycle of Life

Re: “Fair’s Facts of Life: Shame on Parents” (Aug. 20):

The 4-H program for youth is research based to educate regarding food, fiber and natural resources. It is important for today’s youth to understand that food has a source before it reaches the market, is purchased, prepared and eaten.

The youth raising the animal works toward producing the very best animal so that the buyer will enjoy the meat he or she has purchased. All those raising an animal for market know that it will end up on someone’s dinner table.

Some of the project groups visit the slaughterhouse to learn more about the way the animal dresses out, what is done with the byproducts, etc. 4-H members are realistic about their animal projects and accept what is happening to the animal they have raised when the Orange County Fair ends and afterward. There might be some displays of emotion, but they don’t become “callous, unfeeling adults without a true respect for life.” They’ll be back next year raising another animal and learning to “Make the Best Better!”




* As a person who has known countless youths in the 4-H organization, I have not known a single 4-H youth to grow into a callous, unfeeling adult without respect for life from raising animals for slaughter.

Also, agriculture is not a “dying art.” It is still the leading industry in California. Some products we eat are only grown in California.


