
Pet Peeve

Regarding “Flying With a Pet? Airline Rules Vary, So Think Ahead” (Healthy Traveler, June 11): Every summer I travel back to my hometown in Michigan to spend six to eight weeks with my family, and I take two or more of my four dogs. Unfortunately, the hassles I have endured with various airlines have forced me to leave my bigger dogs in California with a dog sitter.

If the airlines are being forced to improve safety conditions, then why don’t they? A ban on pets flying is not improving the conditions. On the contrary, it forces people like me, who have flown United and American because they were pet-friendly, to travel with other airlines.

With the advances in technology, one would think it would be a minor feat to redesign part of the baggage compartments to be safe for pets.


Some may argue about the cost, with 2 million animals traveling by air each year, but I think their owners would be willing to pay extra to have their furry companions with them.


