
Request for Convention Funds

* I was flabbergasted by the request by L.A.’s Democratic National Convention host committee that Los Angeles kick in $4 million for this three-day orgy of excess (June 16). In just the past 12 months, Los Angeles taxpayers have been asked to pony up millions of dollars for the Belmont Learning Complex debacle, the Rampart fiasco and I’m sure--if we had time to investigate further--a host of other costly mistakes at the hands of unqualified leadership. A specific concern to my family is the fact that the city refuses to fix the mess made by the Los Angeles Community Development Bank, which at its best would have been a great solution to job creation in the inner city.

Isn’t all the civic beautification being undertaken to make us look like a world-class metropolis a large enough contribution to the Democrats? Let Mayor Richard Riordan and his cronies raise the money. It’s not my problem that things have gotten a little tough for Democratic fund-raisers.


Los Angeles


The public spoke clearly enough to the NFL: “No public money!” We must apparently say it again, loudly, to the Democrats and their national convention. Use of the taxpayers’ money to fatten anyone’s pockets is unwarranted (and a single event is the least likely to return a public investment anyway). Your article indicated the Democrats thought L.A. should put up $4 million just because other cities do. Didn’t the NFL make the same argument?


If it’s a political contribution being asked for, let’s give an equal amount to all parties. But I don’t think the taxpayers would stand for it. I know I won’t.


Los Angeles
