
Bush and Abortion

* With the weak-kneed, mush-mouthed and sound-bite-sensitive politicians we have to choose from these days, it is refreshing that the Grand Ol’ Party has chosen to actually draw the line in the sand on the issue of abortion (“Bush Faces Tough Choices in Taking a Stand on Abortion,” June 11). Anyone who has even the least clue about this “procedure” that ends the lives of thousands of tiny, unborn people every day in the United States knows in his/her heart that the GOP is right-on when it comes to the abortion issue.

George W. Bush would do himself well to speak forcefully, without retreat, intimidation or shame to this heinous act. When the lights come on, the cockroaches and the rats who champion abortion “rights” will flee into the shadows.


Santa Monica


In your “Campaign 2000: A User’s Guide” (June 11), you refer to the Republican Party’s unwavering stand against abortion. Their platform is that each unborn child has a fundamental right to life. Who can argue against that?


However, I am sure many, like myself, have many urgent questions for these noble people. Why, after life is granted this fundamental right, does their interest in this newborn child promptly cease? In many more of these births than we will ever know about, there will be no health care, no housing, no food and, sadly, no education when they need it most. The children will most likely be living with a parent or parents who were abused and neglected themselves. What happens to break this vicious cycle when the next generation goes through the same abuse?


Los Angeles


Re “House Turns Down Donor Disclosure Bill,” June 10: Why am I not surprised that members of the Republican right wing claim “freedom of speech protection” in voting down disclosure of secret donors to political parties, while on the other hand they want to terrorize doctors who prescribe the abortion drug RU-486, by publishing their names in a public registry so that every kook in the world will know who they are (“FDA May Impose Rules on RU-486 Use, Planned Parenthood Warns,” June 7).

Talk about being two-faced!


Los Angeles
