
San Diego Projects

* Re “In San Diego, Big Public Projects Mean Big Delays,” June 13:

As a San Diegan, I’m a little off-put by Tony Perry’s glib assessment of our psyches and political attitudes. I believe one reason we are so slow in acting and so suspicious of plans for our community is that too often these plans seem to benefit the fat cats, not Joe Citizen.

The idea of placing a ballpark in the middle of downtown was kind of weaseled in as more of an advisory vote, with few details made public and much hoopla about how it will help redevelop downtown. Little attention was paid to traffic and other problems that will result.

Then, after the new ballpark was voted in, our City Council quietly and secretly voted to pay the San Diego Charger football team for all of the tickets that sorry bunch of losers couldn’t sell. That deal cost the city (read citizens) $5 million last year.


Many voters feel that our city government is both feckless and disingenuous, and many of the lawsuits that have been placed against the new ballpark are the result of that sentiment.


San Diego
