
Check It Out

Books recommended for young readers by Ilene Abramson, senior librarian for the children’s literature department, Los Angeles Public Library:

Father’s Day--Our special heroes are aptly admired in these books that feature dads of all kinds.

Toddlers: “Dog’s Day,” by Jane Cabrera

A puppy cavorts with rabbits, cheetahs, monkeys and fish, but the best part of the day is playing with Daddy.



Preschool: “My Daddy,” by Susan Paradis

The awe-inspiring feats Daddy can perform, seen through the eyes of a preschooler.


Kindergarten and first grade: “I Shop With My Daddy,” by Grace Maccarone, illustrated by Denise Brunkus

Easy-to-read story about a trip to the grocery store with Daddy.


Second and third grades: “Daddy, Will You Miss Me?” by Wendy McCormick, illustrated by Jennifer Bachus

In this touching tale about separation, a father promises to say his child’s name each day and let the wind carry loving thoughts home to his son.



Fourth and fifth grades: “The Firework-Maker’s Daughter,” by Philip Pullman

A girl is determined to follow in her father’s footsteps and become successful in pyrotechnics.


Sixth through eighth grades: “Sunwing,” by Kenneth Oppel

While searching for his lost father, a bat battles evil in this adventure-filled sequel to the fantasy “Silverwing.”


Some of the books to be read on KCET’s “Storytime,” weekdays at 12:30 p.m.

* “Yo! Yes?” by Chris Raschka

Two boys, one black and one white, meet on the street and become friends. Themes: friendship, respect.



* “In the Rain with Baby Duck,” by Amy Hest

It’s a rainy day and that makes Baby mad. Baby’s parents worry, because who ever heard of a duck who does not like the rain? Themes: nature, fantasy.


* “The Fiddler of the North Lights,” by Natalie Kisney-Warnock

The old folks tell a story about a mysterious fiddler. Grandpa and Henry go on a search and something strange and wondrous happens. Themes: love, trust.
