
Donations Send Needy Kids to Summer Camp

“I think the Summer Camp Fund is a great idea.”

--Camp Fund donor Diana Mercer, Los Angeles


Every year since 1954, readers and employees of the Los Angeles Times have sent thousands of needy children to camp through The Times Summer Camp Fund.

Because The Times absorbs the cost of the fund’s administration and Bank of America provides accounting services, all donations are used for camperships.

The $22 million raised during the last 46 years has allowed more than 350,000 Southland children to enjoy themselves at summer camp. It costs an average of $125 for a child to spend a week at camp.


Checks, made out to The Times Camp Fund, should be sent to: Times Summer Camp Fund, File No. 53401, Los Angeles, CA 90074-3401. Please do not send cash. All donations are tax-deductible.

Unless donors request otherwise, gifts of $25 or more are acknowledged each Tuesday in the Southern California Living section.
