
Hunger in Africa

* Re “As Drought Grows, Hunger Again Stalks Africa’s Horn,” June 11: Thanks, John-Thor Dahlburg, for an informative yet terribly sad story on the tragedy in Africa. I have donated money over some 25 years to relief organizations to help out there.

According to one feeding station in Denan, on average five children under 5 years of age die daily; that is but one feeding station and that is five too many. Yes, there is no rain; lack of water and both political and civil unrest keep much-needed food from these poor children and adults.

Now, maybe I am off base here, but I never hear anything of population control. Are we, or any nations, teaching them about birth control? No, that will not help now, but this problem has been ongoing for many, many years. This will continue to be a terrible problem. Why bring more kids into such a tragic way of life and death? God bless them all.



