
Group Helps District’s Schools Fly Flags


Every classroom in the Orange Unified School District now has an American flag that students can pledge allegiance to, especially today, Flag Day, thanks to School Board Trustee Robert Viviano and the Orange County Chapter of the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pa.

The foundation purchased more than 300 flags for 29 district elementary, middle and high schools that were missing flags. The organization, which honors patriotism and good citizenship, annually funds scholarships to Valley Forge for teachers and high school juniors.

Foundation member Judy Akin said Viviano noticed flags were missing in a number of classrooms and asked district officials to find out how many. The schools did not have big enough budgets to purchase new flags.


“He found out that 330 classrooms were lacking flags,” Akin said. “He came to a meeting and asked if this could be a project that the Freedoms Foundation could take on. The women devote so much of their time keeping the American Dream alive. We thought it would be very appropriate if we could take that on.”

Viviano said he does not want to take any credit for the new flags, but is pleased they have been displayed.

“I’m very delighted that the flags are in the classroom and that the Freedoms Foundation paid for over 300 flags,” Viviano said. “[The flag] is a symbol of freedom and that our constitutional government works on the behalf of the people. It’s something we take for granted too often.”


La Veta Elementary School, one of the schools receiving flags, got 15 from the foundation.

“It’s a wonderful gift,” said Principal Toni Evans. “We like to start the day off remembering that we are in a democratic country and that we are proud to be part of a country where we have so many wonderful opportunities.”

Marissa Espino can be reached at (714) 966-5879.
