
Options Flow on Filters


Question: Our neighbor has a kitchen water filter and her water tastes better. I wonder what else is in our water that might harm my children. What types of water filters are best for flavor and safety?

Answer: Even if your water is from a public supply, it may still contain harmful contaminants. By the time water gets to your house, the chlorine level has often dropped and it may have gotten reinfected along the way.

Although there are many types of water filters, the basic ones are distillation, reverse osmosis, ozone, ultraviolet light and carbon. Each type has its advantages.


Counter-top distillers are effective for most common water problems. Since the water boils when being distilled, it is also disinfected. Once the gallon jug is filled, you slip it out and store it in your refrigerator.

I have used a small distiller with a carbon post-filter for years. The only drawbacks are that it takes about four hours and it uses about 25 cents’ worth of electricity to produce a gallon of pure water.

Reverse-osmosis systems are also effective for most common drinking water problems and they produce filtered water as you use the water. These use a reverse-osmosis membrane that acts like a super-sieve to filter out almost everything. Most units also have pre- and post-carbon filter cartridges to remove chemicals.


Ozone gas purifiers are extremely effective and leave no residual chemicals in the water. Many municipal water plants treat the water with ozone. In addition to killing all bacteria, cysts and viruses, it improves the taste. Ultraviolet-light purifiers pass the water through an intense light beam inside the unit.

Small portable ozone purifiers are also ideal for camping or emergencies. Hang the tube and bubbler stone into a jug of water and switch it on.

Carbon filters improve flavor and remove some chemicals. To filter out impurities, a solid carbon block is better than a granular carbon filter. Granular ones are often used as post-filters for other types of filters.



Write for (or instantly download Update Bulletin No. 415, a buyer’s guide to 15 water purifier-filter manufacturers, filtration types, styles, features, prices, illustrations and recommended filter selector charts for hazardous contaminants. Please include $3 and a business-size self-addressed envelope and mail to James Dulley, Los Angeles Times, 6906 Royalgreen Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45244.
