
Best Thing to Do Is to Forget Rocker

John Rocker is an immature, intellectual simpleton with a unique ability to throw balls hard. Throwing balls is what he does and what he’s compensated for. He does not make public policy, nor is he in a position of authority to offer cogent commentary on our society.

If the media continues to shove microphones in the faces of such simpletons, and the sports world is full of them, are we to be shocked when something hateful spews out? And worse, is the media performing society a service with its relentless condemnation of such ideas, when it initially sent the ball rolling by giving nationwide audience to the rantings of a simpleton?

John Rocker has paid for his comments, both emotionally and professionally, yet if anything, his hate has probably grown and solidified further. I don’t know who frightens me more: John Rocker and his all-too-common cultural ignorance, or the “professional” editors who deemed his opinions important enough for national airing.



