
Bush Tax Cuts and Single Moms

* Re “The Battle Over Single Mothers,” June 6: It amazes me that George W. Bush would sink so low as to use single moms to cloak a tax cut for his rich friends. How does cutting the top tax bracket from 39.6% to 33% help single moms who are not even close to that tier?

What about the middle class? Where are our breaks? We can’t shelter money in tax-deferred accounts because we can’t afford to tie that money up. We make too much to receive any subsidies from the government. I would be happy if I could just write off the expense of trying to keep my kids off of drugs. You know, sports and music lessons? I am sick and tired of politicians always ignoring the middle class.




A tax reduction of $6,369 at the top end of the scale seems a little out of touch with reality, when compared to the $43 reduction at the bottom end, especially when you consider that the top end is paid out of surplus and the bottom is taken out of living expenses. If the idea is to help the poor, why not simply increase the “personal exemption” to a level which reflects, at least, the “poverty level.” At least in that way both groups, rich and poor, would be treated upon some sort of equitable basis.



Joshua Tree
