
Slaying of Jesse Strobel

* Re “Chef Denies Killing Ventura Teenager,” June 1.

Richard H. Millard, defense attorney representing Ryan Simas, who is accused of participating in the slaying of Jesse Strobel, is reported to have said that this case has turned his client’s life upside down. What an idiotic and thoughtless thing to say.

I know Millard’s job is to defend his client in the best way possible, but to attempt to place bits of early sympathy for him in the press is unconscionable.

Tell Jesse’s family that Ryan’s life is turned upside down, and wait seven years for a response. It would be wonderful if Jesse’s life could be turned upside down, but his life was cut short by the senseless acts of a group of teenagers with whom Simas has been identified.


Two of the teens who were in the car that night have identified Simas as the driver. That, in itself, is enough to keep him in custody until the court hears all of the evidence.

His being a chef at Spago is no reason to release him on bail. Judge Brian Back was absolutely correct to deny bail.


