
TV Judges

* Mike Farrell’s attack on Judge Judy (“There’s Disorder in the Court--and Television Stands Accused,” Commentary, May 31) was entirely unwarranted. I don’t know what court programs he has been watching, but anyone watching Judge Judith Sheindlin can tell you she does not tolerate in her courtroom the “thoughtless, mean-spirited and destructive behavior” to which he refers without citing a single example.

In fact, she comes completely prepared for all of her cases, conducts her proceedings in general conformity with the rules of evidence and usually delivers a wise lesson in life to the litigants based on her many years of being a family law judge.


Los Angeles


Farrell is not a doctor but played one on TV. He suggests the other television performers, like Judge Judy, should somehow be subject to state regulation, since some people foolishly believe these judges are actually public servants. He is embarrassed by what she and other “brazen” and “obnoxious” impostors have said and would prefer some sort of prior restraint on their 1st Amendment rights. It amuses me to imagine the fireworks Farrell would have launched if the American Medical Assn. had insisted that his on- or off-screen behavior during “MASH” conform with AMA standards.


Personally, my faith in the dignity of the courts is eroded more by Rampart than by daytime TV fluff. Those Americans who are unable to distinguish reality from playacting--some of whom may be called upon as jurors--represent a much larger threat to the judicial system than ill-considered commentary by a TV personality.


Long Beach
