
La Habra Schools Need Measure K

* Tuesday is election day for registered voters within the boundaries of the La Habra City School District. The only measure on the ballot is Measure K, an initiative to repair and upgrade all of our existing neighborhood schools.

Measure K is a general obligation bond request that would authorize $16 million for school improvements. Passage would make the district eligible to receive $9.8 million in state matching funds. If the measure fails, those state funds will be allocated to other districts, and La Habra will lose the opportunity to regain some of its tax dollars.

Measure K provides for upgrading classrooms, health and safety improvements at every school, replacement of deteriorating plumbing, sewer infrastructure and inadequate electrical systems, and it provides access to modern classroom computers and technology. New classroom construction and restoration of playing fields at seven schools would cost $14 million of the total $26 million projected expenditures.


Voting yes will maintain our schools as the center of our community, improve the educational resources for our children and add to the value of our city and homes.



La Habra City School District
