
Lack of Cooperation in Budget Crisis

* All residents of Ventura County have sacrificed through additional taxes and the reduction of other public programs to give the sheriff and court officials extra funds to provide a high level of service. These funds have supplied new facilities, staff, programs, vehicles and equipment to make this county one of the safest in the entire United States.

Now, in times of low crime rates and in the face of a financial crisis, the various public safety departments are being asked to make appropriate cuts so that other vital county services may continue and debts may be paid.

For example, the sheriff was asked for the first time in seven years to be part of the total management team and help balance the county’s budget by taking some steps to reduce costs. In response, he refuses even a small percentage cut at the same time the Parks Department takes a 17% cut, which includes the last penny of funding for a small summer youth program.


Such lack of willingness by the sheriff to support other public programs that would help the very youth and families that have given his agency the support they have requested seems ironic. The court officers that have usually encouraged positive youth programs were silent in this discussion.

I believe that public safety departments have created a distorted view of the full range of safety services performed throughout county government. While few citizens would dispute the priority of public safety services specifically funded through the initiative process of seven years ago, we do expect those agencies to respect and cooperate in supporting other services that contribute to the safety and well-being of our communities.

The posturing described in recently reported budget talks tarnishes the image of the safety departments at a time when their full cooperation is needed to minimize the threat of a reduced credit rating for this county.


We need all county management leaders working at the same table to support reasonable service levels for all public departments.


